BOMADEK is located in Trzebiechów, gmina (municipality) of Trzebiechów. The company was entered into the register of business activity in 1991. The main area of the company’s business activity includes turkey slaughter and trade operations. As of 17.10.2003, the company became a limited liability company. The ownership belongs to the private sector: both domestic and international.
The daily production of the plant is approximately 150 tonnes of turkey livestock. In 2014, production reached 33,000 tonnes. Slaughtering, cooling and cutting takes place on one of the most modern production lines in Poland and Europe. The company's products are gaining new buyers year after year, which shows the company's correct strategy regarding quality standards and widely developed marketing. In 2004 Bomadek was granted protection rights for its trademark.
We hold all certificates allowing us to export our products. Our own modern vehicle fleet means that we are able to deliver our products at any time and to any place in Europe.
Initially, operations were carried out in leased facilities, but over time modernisation was carried out and a new plant was built. Today, it is already a modern plant with a technological base, an implemented quality management system and export authorisations. The raw material pool is based entirely on turkey breeding within the Farmers' and Producers' Association "INDYK LUBUSKI".